Importing Content From a Spreadsheet

You can import Activities, Secret Codes, Branches, Schools, Prizes, Badges, and User Accounts from spreadsheets.  You'll still need to "connect" the various elements in the program setup but this can save significant time in data entry.

Note: any badge images that you wish to import must be on a publicly available website that your app can access.  See the badge import example spreadsheet for more details.

Visit to access the importers.  Click the importer you wish to use.


  1. On the importer page, you're given the option to download a CSV template file.  Download the template, open it in Excel/OpenOffice/Google Docs, then paste your data into the template's columns.  Don't rename or reorder the template's column headers: just paste in your data, column by column, matching the template's column.  
  2. You may see extra blank rows when you open the template, before the header row.  If so, you must delete the extra rows so that the header columns are in Row 1.
  3. There is an "import id" field in each spreadsheet template.  You must assign an import ID number for each item you import.  This allows you to re-import the spreadsheet later to update any errors in your original import.  The number can be simple: just add 1, 2, 3, etc. in that column.

Once you complete your import spreadsheet, save it as CSV format.

Upload the completed CSV file on the appropriate BookPoints importer page.

Check and confirm that your data was imported correctly.  If there was a major problem, you can choose to "delete imported items" from the importer page and start over fresh, or you can fix any minor errors in your original spreadsheet and re-import.