Add or Edit Branches

Branches appear on the signup form.  Note: Because the Branch field is tied to the original User who registered, not to any specific Reader, Branches apply to entire families together.

  • From the Setup Menu, select Branches
  • Enter the Branch name and address (optional)

If you have many branches, you can also import them from a spreadsheet.

Deleting a Branch

We hide the Delete capability to make it harder for Branch to be accidentally deleted.

To delete a Branch, you must login with your admin account.  Then visit:

This page lists all of your Branches.  This page has tabs at the top, including "EDIT" and "DELETE" -- do NOT click these tabs.  Do NOT click the CAPITAL "EDIT" or "DELETE" tabs.

Instead, look in the list -- each row has a lowercase "edit" and "delete" link for each individual Branch.  Use THESE "delete" links to delete a Branch.